Friday, August 5, 2011

Terran is Overpowered

I believe that Terran is probably the most overpowered race there is. They have marines that can shoot both air and ground. They are really good in numbers and are also only 1 supply. Mixed with marauders, they can destroy almost any army, if marauders have concussion shells. They can slow approaching enemies and also slow down enemies that are running away. Not to forget when they have medivacs. Medivacs not only heal, but they can also pick up large amounts of units to drop at an enemy base.

Siege tanks are probably the most overpowered unit in the game. They have a very high ranged and do a massive amount of damage and AOE. You can place them on the ground and scan a ledge to shoot upwards. You can also place them on mini areas where the ground is elevated to shoot any enemy units that are passing by. They have more ranged than collosai and the only way to beat siege tanks are either with burrow or air units. Marines are usually always there to protect the tanks against air units, and most terrans will get ravens against zerg because of burrow movement.

Another really overpowered thing is the thor and battlecruiser. Battlecruisers can move much faster then they did before. They can shoot ground AOE and are really good against light units like zerglings and marines. They are powerful units against a few massive units like, the mothership, ultralisks, Broodlords, and carriers.
Thors can also do a lot of damage and AOE against air units. They are the ideal units against mutalisks and do so much damage to a group of them. They have a large amount of health and have a special attack which can kill ultralisks and other massive units easily.

Command centers can also be very overpowered at times. They can be turned into orbital commands that make mules, have scan sweep, and also give extra supply. When you are being attacked by dark templars, terrans can just scan sweep easily. They can use mules to get a lot of money unlike the protoss nexus which just makes things build faster or upgrade faster. Command centers can also be turned into planetary fortresses that can defend the area. They have the same ranged as stalkers and do tons of AOE damage.

Another very overpowered thing are the SCV's being able to repair. You can do an SCV rush and succeed by getting the SCV to repair each other. You can also repair damaged buildings and units so they are good as new.

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